CN Law, Sprl

Who is She?

CN Law is a full-women practice with a wide and diverse expertise in law and tax matters.

EALS in Burundi

“The role of lawyers is to champion change, incite, lead the right and necessary conversations, and achieve the change of mindset we need!” 

IWD 24

CN Law was joined by a fantastic group of women with diverse backgrounds – from business, to non-profit organisations, to associations, lawyers, and financial experts. This elevated the discussions following the different presentations and opened our eyes to the many...

Conférence-Débat – Le Conflit est Naturel 

Promouvoir la médiation par la culture du dialogue pour préserver la santé relationnelleDans tout milieu professionnel, l'environnement des affaires comme au sein des familles, la médiation s'est imposée comme un sacré pouvoir sans pouvoir, le chemin le plus efficace...

What can She do for You?

The women in CN Law will conduct a preliminary study before the start of the collaboration and spot any single area where the firm could assist. We aim for a quick response.

CN Law will guide you through the whole process of your legal and tax journey, technically and with a high level of customer care, from structuring your entity to fighting against any potential claim that may rise from your operations, your activities and your relationships, in most if not all areas of the law

It is key to note, members of our firm provide the right kind of assistance in four different languages: Kirundi, French, English and Swahili.

With CN Law, you will be assured of being assisted by an experienced team who is diligent, focused and creative in their work. The women of CN & Associates will always insist on knowing extensively your sector, and therefore offer the best suitable solution – an assistance always tailored to your uniqueness.


Why Choose Her?

Corporate Law

Empowering businesses with comprehensive support, from establishment and compliance to specialized guidance in key areas and skills enhancement.

Human Rights

A range of tailor- made services to ensure your commitment to human rights is met with expert guidance and actionable solutions.

Private Client Services

Catering for the unique needs of High Net Worth individuals- we protect your assets ensure compliance and secure your legacy

Tax Law

Ensuring financial success by providing strategic guidance & tax advisory to navigate the complex world of taxation

20+ years of disruptive transformation

Areas of Practice

Reach Her

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4 Boulevard Mwambutsa, Kigobe,Bujumbura



+257 79 528 020 or +257 71 696 694